Shopping List App
Hi there! 👋
Learn to build a local-first, real-time shopping list app using Expo, TinyBase, Clerk, and Cloudflare Durable Objects. Master offline capabilities, real-time syncing, and cross-platform functionality!
📱 iOS Demo → App Store
🌐 Web Demo → Live Demo
🛠️ Powered by Expo, TinyBase, Clerk, & Cloudflare
To build the Shopping List App, you need to install several dependencies that enable core features of the app. Here's a breakdown of each:
Main Dependencies
Provides authentication and user management functionality seamlessly integrated with Expo. -
Enables camera access for scanning QR codes or capturing images within the app. -
Adds cryptographic functions such as hashing and secure key generation for enhanced data security. -
Used to show an alert when the user is offline. -
Securely stores sensitive data like authentication tokens or user settings locally on the device. -
Implements a lightweight, local SQLite database for offline data storage and querying. -
Allows the app to generate QR codes for sharing shopping lists. -
Provides support for rendering scalable vector graphics (SVG), required by the QR code generation library. -
Ensures reliable real-time communication by reconnecting automatically if the WebSocket connection is lost. -
Acts as a state management library optimized for local-first apps, providing reactive data storage and offline capabilities.
npx expo install @clerk/clerk-expo expo-camera expo-crypto expo-network expo-secure-store expo-sqlite react-native-qrcode-svg react-native-svg reconnecting-websocket tinybase
Don't forget to install Cleerk's typescript types:
bun i -D @clerk/types
Watch the video to learn more about the Shopping List App. 👇
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